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* 婦科門診 - 醫師介紹
* 本科醫師團隊
*廖基元 醫師
  *學 歷: 國防醫學院醫學系
  *經 歷: 台北榮民總醫院婦產科訓練
  *現 職: 門諾醫院婦科主任
  *專 長: 高危險妊娠、不孕症手術、腹腔鏡手術
  *著 作: 1. Liao, C. Y.* (2018). Distinguishing between interstitial and angular pregnancies: Is there a role for saline infusion sonohysterography?. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 57(4), 605-607. (SCI)

2. Liao, C. Y.*, Luo, F. J. & Huang H. W. (2018). Endometriosis Found in an Isolated Paraaortic Lymph Node: A Case Report. The journal of reproductive medicine, 63(4):393-396. (SCI)

3. Lin, G. L., Chang, H. H., Lien, T. S., Chen, P. K., Chan, H., Su, M. T., Liao, C. Y. & Sun, D. S. (2017). Suppressive effect of dengue virus envelope protein domain III on megakaryopoiesis. Virulence, 8(8), 1719-1731. (ESCI)

4. Liao, C. Y.* (2017). Cornual Wedge Resection for Interstitial Pregnancy and Postoperative Outcome. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. (SCI)

5. Liao, C. Y.* & Luo, F. J. (2017). Placenta accreta (Percreta) at 8 weeks of gestation and hysterectomy at 13 weeks of gestation due to uterine rupture: A rare case with no history of cesarean section: A case report. The journal of reproductive medicine, 62(6): 684-686. (SCI)

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  *影音新聞: 2014 2014 幸福一世 曙光中迎接新生命
2014 奔馳找亮光,鳳林產婦飛車40分鐘,只為到門諾醫院生產
2014 子宮頸抹片正常不代表子宮正常!
2014 住院安胎過母親節,早產兒媽媽們的心願:孩子平安出生是最大的祝福
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